It's not just a matter of counting...
"Praise2you" brings numerous opportunities in terms of internal organizational relations. Those organizations using the program select their corporate values at the outset. Employees expressing thanks select the related values that the thanks are given for. In that manner the organization gets a good picture of which values command the greatest importance within the organization.
It delivers data to the HR department that otherwise wouldn't have been available. Participating organizations at the outset enter corporate values into the system. As employees share thanks among themselves they select values related to specific topics. In that manner the organization learns which values are first and foremost. They can therefore make an detailed evaluation of the current situation and analysis of future trends.
After a job is well executed, a productive meeting outcome emerges, or an unsolvable problem is resolved, everyone can observe both the team and individual effort. This provides motivation to the person thanking and to the one being thanked. And the translation of points into gifts is a further source of motivation.
AMONG EMPLOYEESThere is no hierarchical distinction within "Praise2you". People holding the same position, or in the same department, can share a thank you message on the system equally with a general manager or an expert who's just joined the organization. This is because a channel that is both horizontal and vertical has been opened within the organization.